The Fallicy of Restrictions on Property
Let us assume some objects of argument, to avoid conflict in the text. These are assumptions based on the arguments against liberty we hear from the Statists: Government believes that it is sworn to first and foremost protect society at large. Government assumes that public safety supersedes all other forms of Liberty (their logic is that without public safety there is no society and thus no 'real' Liberty... see other papers about Liberty to understand why the government’s argument is false) Government gives itself the authority to determine the nature and validation of what exactly is public safety and thus leaves it to those it punishes (we individuals) to prove the law wrong (at exorbitant costs mind you) Society tends to over-inflate their fears of their fellow man and thus, easily demonize each other. -- I will digress here a moment and explain: Imagine running into a person and asking them, "Do you feel that anyone should be allowed to have hands or f...