
Showing posts from June, 2013

CA - Gun Registration will lead to confiscation

California is back on the firearm registration bandwagon.   There is a bill being passed about that would require all semi-automatic rifles that can accept a magazine to be registered with the state. The proponents of this proposed act all have the same message:  If you are not a criminal, what do you have to worry about? That is crippled response to the important question of, why register? Who does registration help?  What purpose does it serve?  What, possible, results could registration create?  Does it help the individual whom does the registration or does it help the government?  What is the purpose of registration?  Does the purpose of registration give citizens better understanding and protection against gun violence or does it simply help Government? We can examine this closely, because, like all States in the Union, California has enforced laws that require individuals to register their motor vehicles. Does the registration of a...

To CA Senators over AB711 - The Right to define my own Estate Value

To whom it may concern, I oppose this act on many levels, but to save you from the philosophical failings of such illegal acts will simply leave it all at this: 1. John Locke and later the 18th Century Enlightenment was about the idea of individual sovereignty: Life, Liberty and Estate defined by the individual and only the individual.  Government, groups, churches, and others had no legal right to re-define those intrinsic living attributes.  No more right to do so than I would have the right to enter my neighbors home and throw away his china, simply because the rest of us neighbors got together and voted it to the trash heap.  Our government requires an incredibly powerful argument to take someone else's property, read the 4th amendment; secure in person, papers and effects. 2. Defining someone's property is a direct assault on their Estate and the value that individual creates inside it.  Understand, that only the individual has the ri...

June 3rd 2013, To AntiGun California GOV

California has just as much responsibility to Protect Individualism and the right to Self-Sovereignty as any other state.  By not defending the values of this nation you are only creating a situation where those of value that would defend it leave the state and you are left with those that would not. Any law that avoids, ignores, or supersedes the Constitution is not a law.  Even the Supreme Court recognizes this in Norton v. Shelby when it states: An unconstitutional act is not a law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation as inoperative as though it had never been passed. Any law is un-Constitutional that pre-defines the values set forth in the first few lines: "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness".  For it breaks with the most important principles of being alive and destroys the very natural value of life, when it defines the value of the self.  Laws have no authority to ...