
Showing posts from September, 2013

Sept 16th 2013 - Rant

We must begin to look at each other as equals.  To truly, look into each and every other person and assume that they have the same equal value as we do.  We must, it is imperative, to view our friends, neighbors, countrymen, and fellow mankind, as having the same adult respect we would expect from others.  Life is about the golden rule. The Golden Rule simply states that we should treat others as we wish to be treated.  It does not mean, as many people have made the false ideal of: that we should let others hurt us and expect them to find remorse or 'justice' from a system of other people we consider to hold a position and ability to meter it out.  No, on the contrary, our system is designed to 'help' in situations where individuals were unable to affect justice in their own lives.  Stated another way: our forefathers thought that each person had the legal authority of protecting their Life, Liberty, and Estate and anyone that attempted to take this from ...