To Calif. Gov 6.6.2014

To those that oppose freedom:

Senate Bill 53 - pass this and I'll simply drive to Arizona to buy ammo.  And what kind of exception are you going to give shooting ranges?  Probably none, if that's the case, I'll drive to Arizona to shoot as well.  end result: California loses revenue and thus tax money.  genius!

Assembly Bill 1964 - California's absurd choices about what it considers a safe gun are a ridiculous anomaly in human intellect.  Such laws by their nature imply that people whom make things that the Holy State disagrees with are some how less human if not down right evil.  Absurd.   If you pass such laws, I'll buy a drill press and make my own parts.

Senate Bill 199 -- BB guns? seriously, you guys have lost the plot.

Senate Bill 808 - Pass it, see if I show to register or participate in it.  How would you know?  Frankly, this is a Molon Labe moment if ever there were.  You obviously have zero general idea of the Nature of Ownership and the right of an individual to validate and value his own existence, and thus the right to use his time as he wishes.  Such laws, as this, defining what hobbies I can participate in are a form of slavery...and more of us are starting to understand that...thus Molon Labe.  You want them, come and get it them, I will not submit to your slavery.

Assembly Bill 1014 -- Pass this law, and I will call the Sheriff every day and report Jerry Brown as a danger to society, in other words, make it easier for personal beefs against others to become legal battles...

In frank honesty.  The premise of ownership is a personal right, and the human being, is his own property, defining his own existence and right to work for himself.  Government was suppose to be about protecting this individualism, to ensure the right to Life, Liberty and Estate.  Such ridiculous fear based legislation is the worst kind of theft against the rights of individual identity.  For it forces a free strong person to cower under the fears of others.  That's right, you make we strong, unique individuals, become cowards, like you.  Then you have audacity to wonder why we get so passionate about our freedoms?

I am obviously going to be forced to flee this cowardly state, and with it my income, my opinions, and the possibility of any kind of balance, for I know more of us are leaving.  Soon, all that will be left are the cowards, the criminals, and you.  Welcome to your utopia.  The morlocks and the eloi.


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