Gun's ain't a Right, right?

So once a week I get an email from Firearms Policy Coalition, the NRA-ILA, California Firearms Owners, Gun Owners of California, Gun Owners of America, or any number of other so-called pro-firearms companies asking for money to help fight for the 2nd Amendment.

As of this morning, the object of all of those companies request for the last few months has been flatly rejected by the gods of the Supreme Court:

So... any money that I gave them to help write their briefs. Any money I gave them to hire paralegals or lawyers or to even get people in Congress to talk with the deities calling themselves our Supreme Court, was a waste. It won't be heard.

Or was it a waste? For surely the multitude of individuals that profited from my donations isn't a waste. 

It is like that sarcastic scene in The Fifth Element where Zorg shows the priest how destruction is creation. That in order for good to occur, the Institute of destruction must first be used. In one simple demonstration, Zorg ties evil to good. Here we are in a world so upside down that one group of people uses our fear of being overrun by another group and they end up profiting from it. The perfect Kantian sophistry.

Oh, I know, that these companies would argue that they are non-profit companies, but I'm not speaking of the notion of corporate profit. I'm talking specifically about the metaphysical profit: the continuation of the circle of sophistry. The fact that any of it even exists!

As I've stated in both Constitution for a Fifth Grader and Unification of Self and Liberty: The Second Amendment, time to shelve it: We Free people are the Highest moral forms. The State owns no authority over us. An Agency calling itself the Supreme Court is not our master anymore than an elected official called a President owns our right to self-identity.

Here is what I wrote in Unification:

Those that believe in this whole system, have to wait, on their knees, praying that the Clergy called the Supreme Court even decides to hear the case. Both sides believing, religiously, that they have moral truth on their side, but both sides willing to concede that moral truth to the object called a ruling as if this object called a ruling is a higher moral truth. If it rules in opposition to their view, they don’t fight the outcome and hold to their morality, they change sides, believing this object called court holds the moral high ground. It does not, of course, because the object, from the get go, requires that men be treated as property. The system of the vote, law, court, appeal, is already morally inferior to the absolute truth of moral Individualism: men are not property. Only the individual is the rightful master on the epistemology of his definitions. If he says bear is to mean to carry, than for him, that is what it means. We must be consistent with the method of using definitions.

So the case won't be heard. The money, time, effort, wasted. Gone. The NRA-ILA, FPC, CGA, etc. will wait for another wagon to hitch to and pray (literally) that it fairs better. After all, the notion of their own momentum isn't even theirs to own. They have to proceed with the creation of that movement by other people. In fact, they have to wait like ancient priests, for the gods to get things rolling before they can even start. 

Why don't they just tell the courts, the governments, the legislators: "No, we will not comply!" Cowards, the lot of them. It is funny, that so many of them have the motto: Cold Dead Hands.  it should have an asterisk next to it saying: Only if the State says I can die.

Every time they ask for money I ask them back, "Will you come to my aid if the State sponsored troops bust down my door because they have heard I own a small piece of plastic that allows me to organize ammunition for easy use in my firearm?" --- Not once have I received a reply. But they do keep sending me a request for money. This relationship is completely one-sided.

I, for one, won't be giving out any more money. I'll be buying ammunition with those funds instead. It is apparent, that in the end, the individual must face the immoral hand of government alone. Those companies calling themselves friends of these things called Rights are willing for the time being to be helpful. They are about as fair weather as could possibly be. They won't actually save anyone from the evils of government. But they will take your money. 

Where is the Athens Georgia of our generation? I want allies that are willing to storm a police station to free a man wrongly held against his will on a charge the State never had the authority to create! I want men of their word that stand for something. I want to see people be grown up, just once in the long history of mankind. 

---Note: at 10:09 on the 26th, after I've published this, and after the news reported that the clergy of moralists calling itself the Supreme Court would not listen to arguments about the 2nd Amendment, I received an email from Calguns Foundation. It was titled: This is going to be a huge week...  Yet nothing about this email recognized that their arguments were ignored by the Supreme Court. They talked about the magazine ban here in California and of course asked for money.  Why is there not a single one of them that stated they lost, yet again, an important argument about the nature of a right? They even say, "If we're not successful, countless Californian's will become criminals by this weekend."  Even the supposed moral supporters of a good cause can't help but enlist the help of fear-based ideologies. Don't they realize that this is a downward spiral, with no avenue for a free man to exit this insanity? They are leading us all downward, by the anti-moralists with their valueless socialisms and by the moralists who do nothing to create liberty but play within the confines of the rules the anti-moralists created.


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