May 19 The Decision of Property Remains in the Individual, not the Government - Part III (4th Amendment)

Part III

The 4th Amendment -violated

The 4th A

 The Text of the 4th Amendment is as follows:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

The point of the 4th A is to ensure that government does not simply start taking the fruits of one's labor, that is, of Life, Liberty, and Estate, they, the government, have no authority to seize your Estate.  Currently, in most heavily Liberal States, the only place one is protected under 4A is in their own home and even then, with particular caveats: if the officer 'sees' a crime then he now has probable cause to enter, detain, arrest, and search, even though what he could have seen as probable cause, underage drinking for example, has nothing to do with the subsequent search (a California 'assault weapon').  Technically one crime is not even admissible because he had no real authority to search for that tool.  So even under the protection of 4A the government has found surfeit ways around it.

Let's take this apart again.  First we need to remember, that the physical body is the basest organized tool of the whole self.  The body does the work, the body enjoys the fruits of that work, it allows for setting goals, it allows for achieving goals.  The body is the most basic and precious of the personal Estate of a being.  The being, that is the person that you are, by thought, deed, and action is not the full extent of your Estate, but is the owner of the three highest virtues: Life, Liberty, and Estate.  Objects (outside of the body) in modern times are tools by which my Estate is better used and organized: clothing allows the body to weather better in nature than it would do without, a vehicle allows the body to better transport itself (and Estate) from point to point in more efficient ways -- both temporal and literal-- a house is currently the best way for the Estate of the body to keep the full extent of its physical possessions in one place.  So the body is the Estate's primitive and all other additions to the Estate function from the body (and the Being as whole).  The legal system would of course have you believe none of this.  They would instead have you believe that your Estate is just the physical items money has purchased for you, that is, those physical things created by wealth, which in turn, of course is a function of the fiat money system, who is solely owned by the government.  Then by extension, those things you possess are in fact owned by the system already, and therefor not even yours to begin with.

Under current law (in California) I may own as many firearms I want, but they must be locked inside my house while I'm not home and I have no right (even though the Constitution specifically says I do have such a right) to bear these arms when I'm not inside my house.  The reason of course, is that the courts believe that the physical rooms, closed in by doors and walls, is your 'castle' and the body is merely another object inside this castle.  This is absolutely incorrect.   In fact, the whole notion is illegal and illogical: the BODY is the castle, the house itself is just another object owned in the Estate.  Meaning that if the house is protected by the law from search and seizure and it is of 'lesser' value than the body itself, then the body, by extension is more heavily protected by the laws.  Oddly, the courts accidentally agree with this by giving people whom rent the same authority as home owners, because the courts see the 'spirit' of Estate extends to more than those things physically owned by the person.  Yet, they are not capable of making the next leap into recognition of individualism.  The lack of intellect in the halls of power is disturbing.

Take for example a man whom does not own a home, but instead lives on the streets.  Under current law, that man has no right to be protected from search and seizure, and absolutely no right to a firearm, because he lives in the 'public domain'.  If a homeless person owns a firearm and is caught on the street with it, he will go to jail, because his firearm is not correctly stored away from public property.  But, as I've said, the body is the beginning of the Estate.  The body is the first object protected by 4A, in fact 4A states, firstly, that a person is protected in 'their person', meaning that no one has the right to approach a sovereign being and demand that they out-turn their pockets.  By demanding that people are only safe when in the comfort of a home one sets up a system that implies too many incorrect notions: 1. That a person is only safe that can afford to participate in the ideals of the current social system (by living inside).  2. By defining something even called public domain.  What exactly is this thing called public domain if not a fraudulent attempt by cowardly men to control the behavior of others?  After all, is my house not situated on property that sits in the public domain?  Shouldn't it too, but for this grand illusion of public domain, also be subject to the same illegal acts my person would be subject to?  Public domain is a false ideal, there is no such thing, sovereign beings are private property whom operate in the proximity of other sovereign beings, the space itself is 'public' because it is not directly owned by others, but the physical self is absolutely private and protected by 4A from any infringement. 3. That officers of the law need not have respect for 'private citizens' as they are all operating in the 'public domain'.  This means that if one leaves the safety of the legal definition of the home, they become non-private citizens and instead become cast members of the State and, sadly, a kind of wardship is enforced over We The People the minute we exit our homes. 4. Searching a private citizen destroys individual rule, self sovereignty, Liberty, and imposes value on the searchee's Estate.  Again, for clarity, a person's estate begins with the self, this means that the self defines each value of the Estate.  The self makes the rules for those values, makes the plans to achieve these values, and decides on the work that will be required to reach these goals.  If someone else uses power to influence the person's Estate, they are in fact, illegally, immorally, and unnaturally, taking control of another person's Estate.  If I walk up to you and start searching you, I take value away from your Estate by saying that the objects I believe you may have, are more valuable to me than they are to you, and when I touch you specifically, I set the value of your very Being.  Let me restate: When an officer illegally searches your person, he is destroying the value of your Being's Estate, by setting the value of your physical body below his ideals.  He belittles your value.

So, a homeless person owns a gun. He has no house to store in.  He has no safe to lock it up from children.  He has only his physical Estate.  He chooses to 'lock' it beneath his clothing, close to his chest and thus, sets the value of the Estate at that level.  A law that tells him he must have a reason to carry a gun is a violation of his right to bear arms and when an officer approaches the personal private property of this Being, that is his body, the officer is violating, and defining the Estate of this individual.  All criminal and illegal actions against the person.

Any search or seizure by any agency that does not process its request through due process is in fact a clearly malevolent act by a culture of thieves that have lost the respect and responsibility of treating people as equals.  What should be grandly insulting is that these same people are the ones that talk of 'civilized society' yet they are the first to abandon the very founding ideals of this country and the protections of self sovereignty that were guaranteed.  If this same homeless person wants to protect the 'private property of the self' then he, by those same evil men, is currently not able to because they pass laws that steal the person's right to free thought and enterprise of ideas (1st Amendment), they write laws that illegally override the ability to keep and bear arms (2nd Amendment), they then give themselves permission to search and seize without ensuring that the illegal laws they have written are even valid (4th Amendment) and they don't even bother to uphold the Constitution's requirement of due process before they act (5th Amendment).  

Anti-firearm legislation is not about guns, folks, guns are just the easiest tool to attack.  The real mission is to obliterate the Constitution by making people 'public property' and thus, no more than subjects to an elected crown.  I don't know that there is a force that wants to destroy our way of life, it seems to me that people do not understand the value of their own lives and that relationship to sovereign individualism.  What we see today is evil because it is in opposition to the those great big ideas created by Locke, Jefferson, and Madison.  We must stop them from destroying our Liberty and thus stealing our Lives and Estate.  We must, teach that individualism begins with the self.

Any agency that chooses to follow contemporary, local customs, over the Grand Ideals of The Constitution is unpatriotic, period.  There are no excuses about the person or agency, just following orders, instead the best excuse is the pleading of ignorance to the ideas of the Country and the founding principles laid out in the Constitution.  Everything else, is merely the act of a traitor, putting their moral ambiguity before the freedom and self rule of others.  This needs to be remembered when we try to be 'balanced' and 'fair' about the actions of law enforcement.  Even if they are following the local laws, this does not mean that they have the right to abandon the respect of self rule and the requirements of self sovereignty.  Do not simply give them the benefit of the doubt, this sort of thinking is the same kind of illogical intelligence that the people use when they are afraid of citizens open carrying guns, but are okay with officers carrying guns.  Some how people make a false assumption that the badge makes them better people.  It is not true, in fact,that badge is a symbol of our expectations and we should scrutinize them more closely.

It, in the end, is very simple; laws, under our Constitution were suppose to be there to protect Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness, by ensuring the self individualism of We The People.  Those are the only legal laws in this country that work in favor of Justice for the loss of Life, for the enslavement of Liberty and for the theft of property.  Any other law written that does not follow this simple, and basic tenet, is not legal and is in fact nothing more than an attempt to enforce ideologies on people.


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