May 30, 2013 - Letter to CA Gov - gun bills

To the Officials in Government,

I do not care what your political faction is.
I do not care what your social beliefs are.
I do not care about your ideology and morals.

I care about individualism and self-sovereignty.  Any action forced on a free people is an illegal act no matter if that forcing is done by a King or a State Senate.  It is still a crime.  The forcing of actions against a free people is slavery and enslavement has already seen this country at war twice over.  First the Revolution where we threw off the shackles of a decaying Monocratic ideology and then later when we finally realized that the Constitution guaranteed an already Naturally established set of rights founded on all living things simply by being alive, when we fought and won the Civil War.  In fact, all war for this country has been about the abatement of enslavement by those that have zero love for Liberty and self-sovereignty.

It comes down to simply math.  One is either on the side of individual Liberty and the protection of the Constitutions claims established as Rights or one is a slave to social contemporaries, with no compass and no rudder in the waves.  Either stable and Free, or a rudderless drifting wood on the sails of the tides.

SB396: is a violation of US vs. Heller, plain and simple.  You are outright banning a entire 'type' of firearm and keeping people from the fair use of 'common' firearms in the system.

SB53: More deaths occur in vehicles than do firearms, I don't see anyone trying to pass a law that forces us to get permission to by gasoline.  Besides, AZ is only 4 hours away...did not a one of you learn anything from the 18th Amendment and the 'booze' runners of the 20's?  Seriously, I wonder what History they teach in schools these days.

SB47:  Again, a clear violation of the Heller decision.  If I register my weapon and then move out of the state, will California send jack booted thugs to collect my belongs (MY belongs) upon my death?  One site calls this bill Draconian, I tend to agree.

SB108:  How dare you come into my home.  Seriously, I can't think of anything more insulting and invasive than telling me what to do in my own home.  If someone breaks into my house and steals things, how is that my fault?  What is wrong with you guys?

It all comes down to this.  I will be watching the tallies of these bills closely.  Any representative in my region that votes yes or abstains from voting No on these issues will not only not get my vote, but I will avail myself to inform every ear that I can about the general evil and disrespect of those members of our government that fail to protect our freedoms and instead try to enforce illegal actions on us like were a chattel. 

I might even run for office if it becomes necessary.

ps. I've included all government reps,even those outside local politics.  You have a voice too, use it.  Respect the Oath, protect the Constitution.


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