To Assmbly Mike Gatto - 8.27.2013

Mr. Gatto,
Please seriously consider this argument.
1. Individuals define their own value. This value is related to the work and subsequent efforts required by the individual to achieve their desired goals.  These goals create "Property" as John Locke called the collection of objects and ideals that one individual defines for the self.
2. If someone else, be that one person or a collection of people, even the majority, re-defines that value of Property for the individual, they are effectively determining the value of that persons life.  That all work the individual does is not for the self, but determined and controlled by the collective majority that makes the determination of the Property.
3. This attack on personal Liberty is Tyranny.  If a man approaches me and asks for my wallet while using a sword to demand it, he is saying that my work to achieve the wallet and all things in it, was at his bequest and his superior armament is all the work he as to do to achieve control over my efforts.  In other words, his actions enslave my actions, and I by affect, become his slave.
4.  Therefore in order to equalize the situation I would by necessity require access to a sword or at the very least a personal Knight that would accompany me wherever I go.  This would last until the man willing to steal my work and Property returned with a gun, at which point I would, therefore require equal access to the same tool.
5.  This is where the argument for taking arms from citizens falls down, because we're talking about equal rights to similar technology to ensure equality amongst individuals.  Equal rights that are afforded all other people, this includes equal rights as those that would violate the law (If you take my tool of equality away but the criminal keeps his, you have effectively elevated him to a position of greater social value than me).  But that's not how its seen is it?  The side willing to take away equal access to the most modern tools, feel that we are not grown up enough to be individuals...or so that seems to be the only rational argument one can make from the side of the those that would steal Liberty from others, that is: we must be inferior beings for believing in individualism and not as useful for wanting equal rights to equal technology.
In the end: equal rights means looking at people as individuals first, absolutely first, and being willing to recognize that we are not all alike.  We do not all share the same values.  We do not agree to the same opinions.  We do not all have the same dreams. 

It is often the failure of government that it feels we should all share similar values.  Even now, you might be saying, "But we all value life and safety."  But remember, there have been many great thinkers in opposition to that thought, whom said such things as, "Give me Liberty or Give me Death" or "I would rather die on my feet, than live on my knees".  Because of this, it should be the place of the government to best give individuals the power to live their lives how they wish.

Anything else is slavery. 

History has continually shown that the masters of today become the slaves of tomorrow.  Isn't it, therefore better to start from a place of true individual equality?  To remain vigilant to this distinct position?  Where one can witness, with ease, the slow direct assault on a person's Life, Liberty, and Estate? From the other place of control, the fog of war will eventually blind those that hold on too tightly to their control.
A firearm is just a tool.  It may, at current, be the best equalizing tool available, but technology continues to evolve, and its not that unrealistic to assume that in a few short years something even more powerful, cheaper, and easier to manufacturer will be created.  Perhaps even something anyone with a few dollars can create from home depot.  What then, sir, will you do, when the ease of a criminal element, a tyrannical thinker, can take the hundred dollars he stole from my wallet and create a device to control his whole city?  Will the answer still be to disarm the good citizens of this country, to force them into the slave labor of this crazed tyrant, or will it be a cry of freedom?  And where will you stand when the people have had enough of the theft of their Estate or more importantly, where will those that had been enslaved and are now the masters and freemen, believe that you stood?  What will those that stand, write of you as a tyrant, when they put down the oppressions of past inequities?


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