To the CA Gov Aug, 14th 2013

To the California Government,

All California is doing by constantly imposing restrictions on a Natural Right of Self Preservation, is to drive people out of this state.  If that is the intention, to drive diversity and different opinions away from California, then by all means, continue down this destructive and controlling path.  Laws that restrict what I can use and what I own are criminal acts that we would not tolerate if our neighbors imposed them on us, but we are suppose to be okay and abide by the illegal actions from legislative organizations that then use our tax moneys to confiscate, control, arrest, prosecute, and incarcerate us?  And worse, in order for We the People to defend ourselves against these obviously immoral acts against the natural right to defend ourselves with the best tools available, we have to pay for our own legal fees when suing the state for it's criminal actions and the state then uses our tax money against us for its defense!  Have none of you read the Declaration of Independence and were none of you taught in school that one of the high factors by which our Fore Fathers were willing to fight against the Tyrannical King of England was unfair taxation with out equal representation?   I can think of no better example than California's constant attack on the 2nd Amendment and the use of our tax moneys to control and steal our property.  Especially since the 2nd Amendment of our Constitution specifically warns you that it can not be infringed.  Besides, by taxing or stealing my property with out justifiable cause (e.g. I've infringed on someone's Life, Liberty or Estate) is a clear violation of the 4th Amendment and worse, by doing it simply by fiat legislative action, it's a clear violation of the right to due process.  The whole of the illegal action is a full attack not only on one amendment, but the very nature of what the Constitution stands for.  It's an attack against the whole document!

So continue along this path if you must, I for one, will be moving from this state just as soon as I can afford to do so and I will be taking my ideas of individualism and freedom with me.  I will be taking my jobs and business with me.  And I will leave California to its myopic views and thefts, where soon all that will be left are people not willing to participate, but just those that take from the system.

Why is it none of you respect us as adults and try to treat us as equals? What have we, your fellow citizens done, your fellow equal human beings, that was so evil that we can't be trusted to the equal equanimity one expects from others?   Judge not, least ye shall be judged is how I was raised.  Obviously this is not how anyone in the California Congress thinks, for they simply wish to steal from us and treat us like idiot children incapable of making intelligent decisions and maintaining a valid discourse.


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