4.2.2013 - Letter to the Pres on Firearms

To the Government,

Please remember on this April 2nd, 2013, that the Constitution was a document designed, not to rule men, but to ensure those that put up their ideals, were limited, allowing a free people to be as they wished.  Free of intrusive restrictions.  Free of illegal confiscations.  Free of the banter and clanging of the mob.  I need not remind you all that, that is the oath you took.  It should be clear, that you swore, an oath before all of mankind, creation, the heavens, and god himself, to uphold the Constitution.  Surely the weight of this responsibility is clear to you.  Yet it appears to be too much to carry judging on your actions.

I oppose any new firearms regulations as I would oppose any new speech regulations.  I oppose them fully.  No to:

Here is something interesting:
According to popvox: 80% of people feel that there should be a commonsense approach to gun violence, but NONE of the restrictions on firearms or ammunition or storage capacity are supported in popvox by more than 12%.  Which only illustrates that it was merely a word choice by the presidential writers that made the 80% even possible.  Because, no one wants to be the person whom doesn't have common sense, so people agreed. But what do they agree to?  Because none of the bills that the president and progressives desire to pass are even remotely supported.  Even HR137, which would require background checks on every single firearm sale is only supported by 12% of the people on popvox.

No one actually supports the legislative changes that the president is calling 'commonsense'.  So, I guess, by default, these proposed (illegal acts outside the constitution) laws are not even close to commonsense, but are in fact anomalous and outside the nature of common sense.


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