April 12th, 2013 - Letter to the President - Acts Against Rights, same as murder

When an individual enters a place and murders someone, the murderer robs the individual of their Life, Liberty, and Property.  By doing so, the murderer ends the value of all work to be created from that point forward.  We call this act murder, but in reality, the true crime is not simply the ending of the body, but is the whole being's loss, down to the past, present, and future work and effort the person would put forth. It is a loss of the individuals life time of work (or the potential life time of work).  Because of this, every murder should anger god, because it steals all that a person is and all that person could ever achieve, all that the person will ever be.

When such a villain attacks children and steals, for all time their Rights to Life, Liberty, and Property by ending the future process of all their potential work, he steals from them the basics of all that we are.  He damages all the families that touch those children.  But yet, that is really the end of his reach.  He is only as powerful as his direct influence on those that he destroys.  The rest of us, can mourn, but beyond that, our lives and work continues.

Except for one thing.

The government.  Whenever some evil person destroys the Life, Liberty, and Property of some other individual or group of individuals, we don't see the government fighting to protect the Life, Liberty, and Property of the rest of us.  We don't see them, smart enough, to stand up there and say, "We will not allow the tiny minded thieves of Liberty to win!  We will not give the creatures that would eat away our freedom the power to do so!  We will fight!  We see the truth, that one man's destruction of Life, Liberty, and Property is not a death sentence to us all.  His theft is not collective, it is not his right to leech at us all and suck the marrow from our Constitution and our individual sovereignty.  He had not authority or right to take those rights from someone else and we sure the hell won't succumb to the same folly!"

No, we don't see that argument at all.

Instead, the government does the worst thing it can do and attempts to steal a little more Liberty, to limit a person's right to Property and thus, dictate the value of an individuals Life (the value of work).

Yes, the government always, attacks Life, Liberty, and Property.  They in fact, do the exact crime that they try to legislate against.  What else is the definition of hypocrisy?  History will remember this, philosophers will write it out, how a country of free individuals allowed the government to murder Life, Liberty, and Property.

If people should be angry, they should be angry at any incursion against any one's Life, Liberty and Property.  They should be furious with every crime against individual Liberty no matter whom the person is, no matter how many people.  Any act against an individuals Life, Liberty, and Property is a crime against Natural Law and if there is a god, then a direct attack against his very work of creation.

Such governments that would be such thieves should be shamed.

Doing so, is no different than using a gun, sirs, to end our lives.  Do not fool yourselves into believing that your pens exonerate your guilt or that the collective "Ayes" make you any less guilty of the theft of Life, Liberty and Property.  Any theft of Life, Liberty, and Property is murder, no matter from who's hand it stems.


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