April 16th, 2013 - Rebuttal to the President's 90% (again)

On the Today show, the President, again, said, "90% of Americans believe we should make it tougher for criminals and people with serious mental illness to get a gun and so the notion that congress would defy the overwhelming instinct of the American people [ranting about actual events inserted here that have no bearing on the facts] is unimaginable."

There is that fabled 90% number again.  By now we all know of course that this particular 90% number merely implies to the idea of stopping gun violence.  That is, 90% of people feel that gun violence is out and out wrong.  It does not say that 90% of people agree with the approach that the government is taking, only that 90% of people feel that the death of children is wrong and something, teeth gnashing aside, should be done.

I again, will submit facts, that I hope someone reads:
There is a letter simply entitled "Common Sense Legislation to end Gun Violence".  79% of people agree that 'something' should be done.    So congress proposed:

S150 - The Assault Weapons ban.  Popvox voters, the same 79% that said something that should be done, now say, overwhelming 94% OPPOSE the Assault weapons ban.  So obviously the 79% that want something to happen, do not want an assault weapons ban.

So congress proposed Magazine limits:
S33 - High capacity ammunition feeding device act - currently, those same 79% percent that supported something, say: 96% OPPOSE
HR138 - The Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act - 94% OPPOSE this act.
S691 - A bill to regulate large capacity ammunition feeding devices - 97% OPPOSE this act.

So far, the 79% whom want something done, do not want assault weapons banned, nor do they want large capacity magazines limited.  What exactly do these people want?  How about background checks or universal registrations?

S374 - Fix Gun Checks Act: 94% OPPOSE
S22 - Gun Show background check: 93% OPPOSE
HR141 - Gun Show Loop closing act: 85% OPPOSE
HR137 - Fix gun checks act: 89% OPPOSE
HR174 - Ammunition background checks: 96% OPPOSE
S35 - Stop online ammunition sales: 96% OPPOSE

Where is that pesky 79% (or 90% according to your poll Mr. President) that wants stricter gun laws?  They don't seem to actually want to infringe on the Constitution or more importantly, individual Liberty.  They don't want particular firearms banned, they don't want ammunition storage devices limited, they don't want more difficult and possibly illegal background checks.  What is it they seem to want?  It seems, that at best 15% (HR141 supports) want some small change in the way background checks are done at gun shows, but overwhelmingly, people do not want any violation of the Constitution and the right of individuals.

I can only see two statistical possibilities here: 1. The phrasing of the initial question gave people a situation where the only right answer was the answer that was expected by the White House and 2. People aren't as stupid as the White House seems to think they are.  This is why the 79% of popvox that feels something should be done do not agree with any of the illegal acts being proposed by the administration.

You won't win this battle, the people will fight it, that should be apparent simply by the numbers.


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