An Open Letter to NYC - The Soda "Tax" of 2013

Illegal in NYC as of March 12th, 2013

Come March 12th individuals will no longer be able to purchase the image of the Dr. Pepper I have listed in this blog.  The reason being; it is 20 ounces, 4 ounces of soda over the limit a free person, under our bill of rights, in a nation of free men, will now legally be able to purchase.  What could possibly be the argument? 

I'm not going to spend a lot of time on this, because the whole notion is just plain absurd, I just want you all to notice, that there is still soda in the bottle.  I am done drinking it.  I didn't even need the full 20 ounces.  In fact, in my case, I would have saved money if I had purchased a 16 ounce can, but the choice, THE CHOICE of freedom of property and the right of me expressing my use as I desire is far more important than any asinine reason a government could come up with.  We are said to believe in the right of woman to do what she wants with her body, but I can't buy 4 more ounces of soda?

On December 16th 1773 (two years before Lexington Green and three years before the Declaration of Independence)  Bostoner's boarded ships and dumped British tea into the Boston harbor.  The reason had to do with unfair taxation, but it's really not that much of stretch to compare the two, because both are an egregious use of power by government.  For comparison, once the Boston tea party was done, Parliament in England passed legislation that effectively eliminated any self-governing in Massachusetts and passed laws that severely hampered free commerce throughout the 13 colonies.  In effect, we are doing the opposite way now, where the government is taking our rights away before we revolt.  It is often sited that  it was the shot that range out at Lexington Green that sparked the revolution, it is really, the escalation of the effects of this unfair, illegal use of power by the British government that opened the can of tea that was dumped onto the British imperialists.   Such acts, whether they be about limits to fair trade, limit of property, limit of speech, or limit of calorie intake, are all the same socialist firebrand, and brothers of inequality.  They are the same fingers on the same hand that holds the sword of tyranny. The longer we allow the hand of inequity to hold its tools of our defeat, the harder it will be for us to remove the hand from our sight, for if our right hand offends us, we should cut it off.  Better lost the slavery of socialism than the whole of our rights.

The question now becomes: Are their any patriots left?  Has our public school system so eviscerated our self worth and desire for self identity that now, all that is left are people whom can recite party lines but have no opinions of their own?  Or are there some, that could, land a New York Soda party at the doorsteps of those that would eat away at their natural born freedoms?  Does no one care about their own nature any longer?  Or is there at least still a voice of dissent against Tyrannical injustice and immoral laws?

As you can see in my picture, again, I didn't even drink the whole thing.  A free man making a conscious choice about how much soda is enough before throwing it away without the influence or convoluted idiocy of legislators whom care not for our Natural Rights.

In December it will be exactly 240 years after the Boston Tea Party.  By then we will know if there was a new dawn of patriots capable of looking after the good knowledge of self worth or if the shackles of modern slavery have firmly been planted.

Good luck to those lucky few in  New York that find themselves awake now and look toward a future where they can say to their grand-children, I was there, in NYC when we threw enough soda in the Hudson to turn it brown from Staten Island to Peekskill.


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