March 23th, 2013 - Letter to the President - Rebuttal to

To the members of Government:

I received this from

"The American people made their voices heard, and the Senate made progress to make it harder for criminals and people with serious mental illnesses to get guns, to crack down on anyone trying to funnel guns to criminals, and to reinstate and strengthen a ban on the sale of military-style assault weapons. Each of these ideas deserves a vote. The President urges Congress to pass these commonsense measures while affirming our nation’s tradition of responsible gun ownership."

Let us examine this piece by piece:
"The American people made their voices..."  Obviously this is not relevant nor accurate.  It is not relevant because the federal government has zero authority to alter the Constitution, nor the right to ignore the Constitution.  Any act that the federal government imposes on the Liberty of a Free People is in fact crime.  It is also not relevant because we do not live in a democracy, the 51% do not get to decide how and what property others get to own.  Sorry, to spoil this for you, but you should spend a little more time actually reading your Constitution, than like Ms. Feinstein, acting like her tenure makes her an expert on it (When challenged to respond to an intelligent question, she got upset and simply said that her length in office made her immune to such questions, the "how dare you defense".).  The statement is not accurate, because, after all, gun stores everywhere, are out of guns and ammunition to purchase.  The people have 'voiced' their opinion with their wallets.

"and the Senate..." Noticed that you didn't make any mention of the House, who will cast what ever laws you try to bring to them on the floor and stomp them into dust, because the people don't want any more governmental intrusion on their lives.

"...harder for criminals..." it's already illegal for a criminal to own a firearm, your point is moot and illogical.  The only logical explanation of your argument is to steal Free People's right and property.  As usual, the State figures the best way to 'ensure domestic tranquility' is to steal from people, well done.

"...funnel guns..." hilarious this coming from the white house, home of Fast and Furious.  I can barely type I'm laughing so hard.

"...ban on...military-style..."  Seriously the worst argument ever.  Blaming something for its cosmetic appearance.  You'd think a black person and a woman would have better sense than to argue objectism as the founding principle of their whole notion.  Seriously, race was never a valid argument against all men and women being free regardless of color, shape, flesh, or size.  It's worse than absurd to even start down this road again with another object just because you do not like the look of it.  And, yes, that's exactly what you're doing: blaming something for its appearance.  Well done, again, for being so enlightened that you can't even see the comparison of human race related stupidity and object related appearance stupidity.

"...commonsense..." Thomas Paine would be ashamed that you steal his notion of intellect and call this emotionalism by the same name.  There is nothing commonsense about the theft of individual property, individual sovereignty, or the death of freedom.  Nothing.

This is letter number 50, I believe, that I have written, and not one single solitary intelligent reply or rebuttal from your side of the argument, instead, just more rhetorical emotionalism founded on trying to shove the technology genie back in the bottle while stealing a Free People's rights.  I'm left with only one opinion, that there is not a single person in your camp whom can present an intelligent argument and that is the reason why none of you have replied.


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