March 4th, 2013 - Letter to the President - The Beginning of Not Yours To Give

To The President and the rest of Government,

I am fervently against any further erosion of the Constitution.

David Crockett warned us in the 19th century that "It is not yours to
give" when he stood on the House floor and told them they had no authority
to take the property of We The People and use it how they wished.

Apparently not a person in that Gomorrah on the Hill listened and over the
course of our History We the People have been forced to continually fight
against Tyranny and the theft of our Liberty.  Yet, the most puzzling is
that the rights we have to fight for are clearly protected and spelled out
in our own Constitution!  How terribly disrespectful one must feel of the
Constitution if they could simply ignore it and worse, how little such
people must think the flesh and blood of this country really is.
Governments despisal of his fellow man apparently knows no bounds.

The Rights of the Constitution are not your to give, not yours to
manipulate, not yours to trod over and destroy or alter or ignore.  They
are not yours to offer as sacrifice.  They are God given, beyond even
governments villainy.

We the People have had enough.  Keep your hands off our Rights.


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