Feb 10th, 2013 - Letter to NASCAR about Sen. Chris Murphy

Dear Sirs,

It has come to my attention that Senator Chris Murphy is asking that NASCAR drop the NRA sponsorship.

Please sirs, if I may, offer my opinion.

We are approaching a crossroads of ideology.  A fundamental shift in human consciousness is beginning, between those that believe in the removal of Life, Liberty, and Property for the illusion of Security and Stability, and those whom have began to awaken to the reality that Rights are beyond human control and are in fact something created in us for us and because of us.  Firearms are but one Right, one of the few that are actually listed amongst the Constitution and adamantly protected against intrusion by anyone; be they citizen or government, the Rights of our Constitution are expressly protected against infringement.  Those listed, are but the tip of the iceberg of what John Locke and the those men whom founded our Country had in mind.  Thomas Jefferson said, "Let us secure what rights we can.  Better half a loaf than no bread."    They believed, that you, your physical presence, was a sovereign nation onto itself and you, the divinity, the pinnacle, of your own property that gave you freedom of Life and Liberty.  They believed, that this singular personal Kingship of self was the highest form of individual responsibility, because, like any King, you became master of all that you were.  And, also, like any King, a man's act against another, was a crime of great universal destruction, thus, they believed, that individuals have the sovereign responsibility of self protection.   All the talk we hear about hunting or fighting off muggers is but a sliver of the full scope of the idea of self governing and the power to ensure that you have the right to continue to self govern.

Again, we are coming to a final moment, where lines drawn in sand become walls and barricades against the opposition.  The fight for Life, for Liberty, and the self responsibility of Property which gave us the value of pursuing our happiness, has begun.    The sides are drawing up their tools to destroy the other.  The signs are clear.

If NASCAR decides to listen to the fearful men in Washington whom do not progress mankind, but instead by their constant attacks on Liberty, in fact take away the progression of technology and individual Property, NASCAR will make it clear to the growing number of individuals whom are setting their arrows and slings and TV channels in the battlements of war against the Tyranny of frightened men, that NASCAR intends to side not with the sons and daughters of a free land built on the great responsibility of the self, but has instead chosen to agree with the cowards whom would strip away hundreds of years of technology, logic and evolution, in some vain attempt to shove as much of what they dislike back into the gene's bottle.  For that is what they really wish, to limit us all to a time when controlling us was easier, and the use of technology, will be their tool by which to ensure that their ideals of society remain the only ideals.

For me, I shall put down the TV channel and find no more use of your organization as a free thinking system of men who would be daring enough to risk their lives for a trophy, but not so to protect the founding ideals of our nation.

I therefore ask, that you not only utterly reject the Senator's request, but publicly confront his outright attempt to use is power of position to win favor and to shame him for his anti-human, anti-liberty ideals.

Karry L Dayton


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