March 28th, 2013 - Rebuttal to White House - GoP filibuster

Rand Paul and others have signed an agreement to filibuster any proposed gun measures brought forth by the Senate's Majority Leader, this is what the White House responsed with:

 "White House press secretary Jay Carney suggested Tuesday that GOP Sens. Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and Rand Paul are out of step with the public on gun-control measures. The three lawmakers have threatened to filibuster 'any legislation that will serve as a vehicle for any additional gun restrictions.' Carney said he hasn’t spoken with President Obama about the threat, but the White House position is clear. 'Filibusters of efforts to move forward with common-sense measures to reduce gun violence would be unfortunate,' he said. We have worked with Congress, with the Senate, to try to advance the elements of the president’s plan that require legislative action and these again are common-sense measures. Closing gun-show loopholes, that’s an idea that has something like 90 percent support in the United States, by some polls has a majority of support among gun owners in America, support among Republicans and independents. We ought to be able to do this. But it’s hard and we’re continuing to work with Congress to get it done.”

Commonsense keeps coming back into every single line that reads from the White House's lips.  I think one needs look up the definition of commonsense first:

exhibiting native good judgment

Commonsense, for example, is knowing that when it gets dark it is best to turn on your headlights while driving or if your shoe lace becomes untied, to stop and tie it.  The Presidents use of the term is viable, yes, but is it correct?  More over is it even the President's job to 'reduce gun violence' for that matter does the Constitution even afford the Federal Government a position on this issue?  The answer is plainly: no.

I've stated this in more than 50 letters to you and yet I must continue to continue to repeat myself.  What does the actual writer, the real writer, of Commonsense, have to say about guns:

The supposed quietude of a good mans allures the ruffian; while on the other hand, arms like laws discourage and keep the invader and the plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property. The same balance would be preserved were all the world destitute of arms, for all would be alike; but since some will not, others dare not lay them aside...Horrid mischief would ensue were one half the world deprived of the use of them... (Thomas Paine)

 In other words, those that are armed are armed against those that would steal, rob, and deprive them of their sacred rights and highest honor.  And who is that is armed?   It is the individual.  For it is the individual in this country that is the country. We are sovereign beings, answering only to ourselves and society has no authority over us, in fact, it is we, that give government the authority to make decisions on our behalf, not to rule over us.    This is a fundamental failure of the entire way your people think.  For it forgets, that one day even those that rule will be on bended knee.  That is why equality and individualism is the best of human existence, for it sets a stage of equality between all beings right from the beginning.

Equality begins not with fear, but honor and respect for the self.  I am equal to you because I believe in my equality, not because of government, not because of intellectuals and progressives, but because I believe in our equality.  And it is my assurance of self, that is my personal property of the body and the ability to protect it, that allows me to continue to believe in equality.  For it is the recognition of Liberty, and the Rights of Existence, that maintain our equality.  If any approaches and takes from these rights, they prove themselves nothing more than vampire, and thieves of our sacred honor.

I stand with Rand on this issue.

I also, vow, today, to never again vote for a democrat.  In the past I used my intelligence on the issues to register my votes, but it has become increasingly clear, that your party has zero intention of protecting individual rights and allowing people to be free.  The entire party is out of touch with reality.

We are a free people because of our individual Liberty, Life, and Property, , not because of a governing bodies benevolence.


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