Feb 15th 2013 - Letter to the President

Mr. President,
A few weeks ago there was actually a petition to throw Peirs Morgan out of the country based on his opinions about guns.  You actually took the time to answer this petition because it received the required number of signatures.  Your answer was, that his opinions were protected by the 1st amendment.  Which I fully support.  We do not have the right to detain or deport people based on their opinions (the Federal government already tried this in the 1950’s when its opinion was that communists were evil).  That should absolutely be the case that we have access to our protected rights.

But, I wonder, if as you were writing this reply you took the time to reflect on the hypocrisy that your statement created.  For the crux of Peirs argument is as he states, “I cannot see a valid reason why anyone would need such a gun.”  This is the core of his opinion:  That individuals should have no reason to need any kind of firearm that is black with a pistol grip and can load ammunition storage devices that organize more than ten rounds at a time.
The mere fact that one person has a different opinion only shows that Peirs ideals are just that: opinions.  

There are groups of people, to this day, that believe individuals whom possess a skin tone not of the pink variety should not have the right to vote.  There are others that hold the opinion that certain religions are evil and that those whom worship in them will go to hell and be doomed forever.  All of which we know is irrelevant.  Their opinions and more importantly their emotionalism (feelings) have no authority, because freedom of speech, religion, and right to vote are guarantees in the Constitution.  They cannot be infringed upon just because one has an opinion on them.

Yet, the whole validity of your argument to steal individual’s right to bear arms hinges on an opinion of certain types of firearms.  You sir, appear to be discriminating against things simply for what they are, not unlike those that used to believe that women were not smart enough to vote and should never have that ability (thank god that intelligence reigned and no one has been barred the right to vote based on sex, race, creed, religion).  This act of despising something for its appearance is only an opinion, which has zero authority and right.  The 2nd amendment is a Right and can only be changed by Constitutional Amendment, and your opinion of certain types of guns has no validity.   None.   Any action that would attempt to seize control by opinion of the 2nd amendment is a clear and unmistakable violation of the oath office.

How is it even possible that you can’t see the hypocrisy of your argument?  That discrimination is always discrimination, even if it is against an inanimate object.  But let us not be fooled, your discrimination is not only against the firearm itself, but against a people whom believe in the Constitution.  You are not just saying that certain features on a gun are unacceptable for your delicate thought process,  you are also saying that the people whom have an opinion in opposition to you are beneath you and should be controlled and told what to do and how to behave.    That is, such people have no right to an opinion.  That, sir, is a clear violation of the whole fabric of what this Country stands for and stands up too. 


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