Feb 8th 2013 - Letter to those Officials in their towers

Can't be in Sacramento today with the rally, so here is what I sent to the government:
Today I cannot be with my fellow free citizens, whom will rally before your buildings and establishment to remind you of our Liberty. I am there in spirit and I send my words as my physical presence.

I saw yesterday that Nancy Pelosi (http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-pn-pelosi-boldest-possible-gun-legislation-20130207,0,6085487.story) wishes to further restrict and undermine the Constitution. Such things as limiting a firearm’s ammo capacity to one bullet, that must be loaded by hand. I wish to, again, remind you that the language of the Constitution, which you have zero authority to alter, specifically warns that the right of the people to keep and bear shall not be infringed. And infringed you have continually done where we have allowed it for ‘public safety’ because we too have agreed with the ideas of individuals being safe. We say no more.

What we speak of is the idea of Liberty and individuality. That these things are the most precious commodities an individual can possess. Locke said, “Life, Liberty, and estate”, our own Constitution altered this slightly and said, “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness”, but included “estate” in the bill of rights. Our Liberty is the closest thing to divinity that we can possess, for it requires, absolutely establishes, that an individual be fully responsible for their own life. What could be more progressive than the physical and mental strivings of an individual to achieve his own sense of perfection? Frankly, I find the perversion of those calling themselves progressive disturbing as their real agenda is to limit individual freedoms and supplant Liberty with their own subjective ideals. And this is what we see with the slow erosion of the 2nd amendment, by the death of a thousand cuts they attempt to lay at it.

Those that would destroy the second always lay safety at our feet, they cry it from the battlements and raise their armor, swords, and flags to ride out to protect it. We’ve fallen for this to much in the past and it’s lost its luster. The clarity of our forefathers and distant optics of past histories have shown time and time again that there is nothing new here, no great warriors fighting for the protection of us all, but the slow ever menacing hand of tyranny demanding supplication.

Who has the right to define a single man’s safety?

If there were only you and I, the reader and the writer, and this page with its words was the entire scope of the universe. Would I, in my language have the authority, as the writer, to dictate the outcome and safety of you, the reader. That is exactly the world your illegal laws create! I on the other hand believe that we are equal, both readers, both writers. That you are responsible, and the only one responsible, for your safety. Your actions lead you into your own life and I have no authority or right to infringe on your life. Not a stitch of your cloth can I change. It is that fact that you have Liberty that ensures my own!

Then I assume you’d say, “Sure, right I agree, but what about the innocent children” The answer is just as plain. For the child is responsibility of the parents. They are the ones that created this little person, and they should be the ones solely and effectively responsible for the child’s safety. As a parent one should be there to protect them as best they can. If in cases where the parent must leave the child with someone else, then is it not best to only leave your children with people that would do the same for your children that you would do? Should you not expect a guarantee from those that protect your children to have the same authority and desire that you would possess? I would protect my children with the best possible tools, as I would teach them with the best possible teachers. It should be expected that those left in charge of children should have the same principle expectations of the parents. That the people whom take responsibility would do the same as lay their own lives before that of the child, as any parent would do. That is Liberty and freedom, the co-operative undertaking of like minds. What you expect is the opposite. To steal liberty and enforce a type of tyrannical overlord. There is nothing progressive about that. In fact, history is littered with graves of Emperors and kings alike who have forced their people to submit to the rule of law without respect to their people’s own lives.

You, the government we agreed to allow, now face a great crossroads. We, the men of Liberty, the protectors of the Constitution, have drawn our line in the sand. We single lambs at the table of the wolves, have come well armed. On our side is freedom and individual responsibility were people work together for mutual gain in a spirit of co-operation. On the other side is servitude and restrictive forced interaction with government controls and manipulations, where the needs of people are met not by people who have chosen to help, but are forced to by the point of a gun.

I chose Liberty as do a the millions that have dried up the gun supply over the last month.

I chose Liberty as our forefathers had done.

I chose Liberty as the greatest line of intellectual growth ever drawn to paper.

I chose Liberty as the founding principle of individuality that allows for single person to have emotion that is their own, to have opinions that are their own.

I chose Liberty.  I do not choose Liberty, it is so deeply part of my being, that it has always been what I am.  

I chose Liberty at birth and by my divine right of individuality.


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