jan 22nd, 2013 - To the New York Times

To the New York Times:
After reading your anti-constitutional stories about destroying freedom of individual Liberty in the Country I have decided two things:
1. To never purchase another newsstand copy of your insane ramblings
2. Join the NRA and other firearms related organizations. I hate having to do this, because I have always been of the mind set that my individuality need not be protected by others. (After all it is guaranteed in the Constitution) That it is my responsibility and my responsibility alone to protect my own values and by doing so gives me the freedom to express and ponder them without influence. But, it is apparent now, that organizations like yours wish to destroy our fundamental rights.

It wasn't that long ago that organizations like yours were the prime focus of government saying that you were full of communists and drug you through the streets as unscrupulous individuals with subversive ideologies. There were illegal laws passed that went so far as to limit the 1st amendment by stealing your citizenship and having people forcibly detained. And you, along side gun owners and others whom believed in the Constitution, fought those in the name of freedom and individuality, but you will not help others protect their rights? Hypocrites and cowards, the lot of you. To say I'm sickened by your lack of respect and loyalty to the rest of us is an understatement. It appears that the insane McCarthy was right at least on the fact that the media is unscrupulous and not loyal to the this country. In the end you proved him right.


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