Feb 6th, 2013 - Letter to the Federal Government

To: The President of the United States
CC: VP, Senate, House

Yesterday you began a campaign to push your agenda to distort the nations protection on Arms. You said that nothing is being done to subvert the 2nd amendment. The 2nd Amendment is clear, "shall not be infringed". Any law or variation of law that makes a claim to alter that language is in fact a violation of the 2nd amendment and unconstitutional. Any change, especially those made for cosmetic reasons or based on how many organized bullets one can carry on oneself at a time. Think about that for a moment: organized bullets arranged in a magazine. No one is suggesting that an individual can not walk around with an ammo can of 1000 rounds at all time, only that he can not keep them organized in a convenient storage device that readily fits the firearm. The childlike approach to law is just plain silly.

Shall not be infringed. Shall not be infringed. That is our guarantee from the constitution.


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