Feb 18th, 2013 - Letter to the President

Mr President and other government agents,

This link indicates that there is a growing disparity between the people
and the government:


In this article the move of companies to stop doing business with
government agencies that violate the constitution is growing.

I have also seen that the number of Sheriffs now willing to ignore
restrictive firearms laws or even as to say that they would arrest and
prosecute agents that would trodden on our rights is growing and is now
over 200.

The question that comes to my mind is simply: what is your intention?  Are
you trying to create civil unrest?  Are you trying to create isolationism
and set up a wall between we US Citizens?  Are you for our rights or are
you trying to destroy them and thus, by pushing them out the window to
cause we patriots to rear our heads so that what, you can cut them off?

The point of your approach is illogical and as a student of Military
History I find your reflections in to many other men that would have
fettered mankind.  I surely do not see your actions in the light of Thomas
Jefferson.  And that sir, if you were flesh and blood, should hurt and
wound your soul.  For you should see that you are creating an us vs. them
mentality.  For all of your supposed intellect, you are falling pray to
the same failing of men that eventually brought the world to near
destruction.  I know you've surrounded yourself with men of letters that
could and have warned you of all the possible outcomes.  Right now the
probabilities are small, but they will grow, as they continue to grow

Soon people will start asking questions: Why am I out here in the street
fighting for my rights, that are guaranteed by the Constitution?  And if I
am out here fighting, struggling, suffering the absence of my work and
livelihood, while agents in ivory towers set up barricades to hold me from
my freedom, why is that fair? And if they, those people sworn to protect
the Constitution are the enemy of my freedom, why do we the People allow
them to maintain their position?

One must be weary of all things.

This is why we have a Constitution that limits the power and authority of
the government and ensures individual freedom.  That is values that men
like me feel should spoken from height of enlightened men.  That one
should protect and honor each citizen above the collective idea.  Freedom
begins in one soul and there it resides and lives.

In the end, I can only hope that more manufacturers cease services for
government agencies so that Law Enforcement can be reminded that We The
People are all in this together, that we either Stand united or fall


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