Feb 5th, 2013 - To the members of Government

Barak Obama, President
Joseph Biden, Vice President
California Senators
California House Representatives

You are members of the United States of America as well as all of us whom are out here day in and out. We are equals, granted such equality not by government, nor by god, but by each other. We choose our equality as part of our own identities. It gives us pause to look out and say to a passing soul - You are equal to me and I equal to you. This equality is maintained by our desire for it. So sure was this ideal of individual Liberty that our founding fathers built an entire Government based on protecting it. The whole of early documents were about this idea of Liberty and self sovereignty. They, wrote a document that would limit government's ability to infringe on personal Liberty. That document as you know, is the Constitution. It is the written word of the greatest equality every presented to mankind.

And you guys are killing it. You guys write law without regard to the responsibility of protecting it. What disappoints me the most is that you demand Due-process in courts, but you ignore the Due-process of the Constitution! Instead of validating that your laws are even legal, you just ignore the Constitution and do what you will. Such actions are in opposition to the ideal of individuality and Liberty. Such ideals are dangerous to freedom and the idea that we are equal.

I reaffirm that I believe in the whole constitution. And for this, any law that supersedes, ignores, or contradicts the Constitution is in fact ILLEGAL. Such illegal acts affect three hundred Million people, and the US Attorney General does nothing to protect us when an entire people are kept down? Shame on you. You worry about saving one life and your forcing 300 million into forced submission? Have you even done the math?

Why do we even allow such offices to exist if your instincts are to undermine our very founding principles?

If the aim is to change the Constitution, specifically the 2nd amendment, then by all means put it on a ballot, and let the people decide. Follow the responsibility of due process required by the Constitution! How can anyone trust your judgment if you're not willing to follow the law? I surely don't trust a single one of you and will continue to speak up and ask people to stop voting for you.

Protect the whole Constitution. Be loyal. Be patriotic. Be true to the service of your office. Why is that so hard?

I am against any illegal and unconstitutional laws.


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